Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Sally Gap broke me for the 1st time in 7 years...

Something has happened today that I did not see coming I have to say. Today's "mission" was to have a road spin over the Sally Gap before I get to work. Got up nice & early and left the house all hyped up about the fact I'm on the bike for the second time this week. 

Now, as we all seen today: the weather wasn't exactly cyclist friendly. Very strong headwind I got pretty much all the way out but things got pretty bad after I started to climb from the Loug Tay direction. As I was making my way up towards the Gap the weather has turned from bad to worst withing minutes. Got extremely strong side/head wind and got hit by this proper snow storm that was very heavy. Kept climbing but after I passed Lough Tay things got to the point when I just said that enough is enough. I'm not the type who just randomly turns back but I felt like I could get into trouble up there quiet easly 'cause the wind was throwing me so badly and most likely it would get even worst as I was making my way higher and higher up to the mountains...

So I turned back and finished my road spin on a bit safer route. Ended up doing a 3 hours long spin that I ok with anyway. Wasn't too happy about turning back but I think I made the right decision 'cause the Wicklow could be quiet rough at this time of the year. And I can only hope that I need to wait at least another 7 years before the Sally Gap or any other hill can break me like this again! :) 


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